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The German Government Wants To Alleviate The Shortage Of Skilled Workers In Germany Through Increased Cooperation With Ghana – AmaliTech Is Already Using The Potential Of IT Professionals In Africa For A Cooperation Model With European Companies(English Version)

Cologne, 24.02.2023. Federal Development Minister Svenja Schulze and Federal Labour Minister Hubertus Heil visited Ghana to discuss opportunities to simultaneously alleviate the shortage of skilled workers in Germany and youth unemployment in Ghana. Several initiatives are to be launched soon. The German company AmaliTech has already been benefiting from the good infrastructure and many IT talent in Ghana for several years and has established a cooperation model. ARD* presented AmaliTech as an example in the Tagesthemen.

The German Government Wants To Alleviate The Shortage Of Skilled Workers In Germany Through Increased Cooperation With Ghana – AmaliTech Is Already Using The Potential Of IT Professionals In Africa For A Cooperation Model With European Companies(English Version) Read More »

Two amalitech employees working at their desk

The German government wants to alleviate the shortage of skilled workers in Germany through increased cooperation with Ghana – AmaliTech is already using the potential of IT professionals in Africa for a cooperation model with European companies(German Version)

Köln, 24.02.2023. Bundesentwicklungsministerin Svenja Schulze und Bundesarbeitsminister Hubertus Heil führten im westafrikanischen Ghana Gespräche über Möglichkeiten, mit denen gleichzeitig der Fachkräftemangel in Deutschland und die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Ghana gelindert werden sollen. Mehrere Initiativen sollen in Kürze gestartet werden. Ein deutsches Unternehmen, welches die gute Infrastruktur und die vielen ausgebildeten IT-Talente in Ghana bereits seit mehreren Jahren nutzt und ein Kooperationsmodell aufgebaut hat, ist das gemeinnützige Unternehmen AmaliTech. Das wurde deshalb jetzt als Beispiel in den ARD-Tagesthemen vorgestellt.

The German government wants to alleviate the shortage of skilled workers in Germany through increased cooperation with Ghana – AmaliTech is already using the potential of IT professionals in Africa for a cooperation model with European companies(German Version) Read More »

New and unique platform TheFairWork, now creates the urgently needed access to digital talent from Africa also for smaller companies in Europe(English Version)

According to Bitkom, there is currently a shortage of 137,000 ICT (Information and Communications Technology) specialists in Germany. The social business AmaliTech gGmbH has been connecting remote ICT professionals from Africa with international companies since 2019. It is now also securing small companies and start-ups access to urgently needed, qualified IT talent from Africa through the new remote work platform “TheFairWork”.

New and unique platform TheFairWork, now creates the urgently needed access to digital talent from Africa also for smaller companies in Europe(English Version) Read More »

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